October 22, 2011

Scary Skeleton!

Tomorrow is our Primary Program.  The last 2 weeks of Singing/Sharing Time have been used for rehearsals.  Tomorrow we will resume our regular schedule:)   We will have a fun Singing Time by piecing together this skeleton while singing the fun songs we don't get to sing most of the time.
I found a large printable skeleton online & printed it onto cardstock paper. I bought 2 black foam boards from the dollar store.  I used a whole board & then ended up having to cut 9 inches off of the 2nd one, taping it on one side to the whole board to give room for the skull.  This really IS a large skeleton.  Probably around 4 feet long.
I then placed the bones on the board & traced each piece with a pencil.  I went over those trace lines with a silver Sharpie Marker to visually stand out.  Then I laminated each skeleton piece.
I partnered up each matching bone, sticking them together with poster putty (hands, feet, legs, etc).  I will place the 11 pieces on a table and the skeleton foam board on the chalkboard.  Kids will take a turn choosing a piece from the table & placing it/them on the corresponding spot on the skeleton board.  I assigned a song to 5 of the 11 pieces so that we can sing as well put the Scary Skeleton together.

The songs I chose for Jr. Primary: Do As I'm Doing; Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes; If You're Happy; Popcorn Popping; Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam

The songs for Sr. Primary: The Wise/Foolish Man; Popcorn Popping; Follow the Prophet; BOM Stories; "Give" Said the Little Stream
Happy Scary Halloween!